Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My "Helper"

Brady and I decided to make cookies today. He was so helpful. Snitching m&m's and eating the dough. :) He was stirring at one point so I grabbed my camera. I said "Brady, smile at mommy." He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes and right as it flashed made a dash for a mouthful of cookie dough. Ah, little boys.


I was making dinner last night and got out a couple of skillets to use. Brady grabbed one and shouted, "My EE I EE I O!" He immediately burst into song singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm. It was hilarious! Thanks Grandma Johnson for teaching him this song!
Yep, still pantless with potty training!

"I have a beard like Santa!"

Tub night with daddy one night this week. I walked in and this is how I was greeted, "Mommy! I have a beard like Santa!"

Brady's First Movie in the Theatre

On June 27 we headed to the big screen! Thanks for Grandma and Grandpa Schwartzhoff Alex got playtime while we headed to the theatre for Toy Story 3! Brady was very exicted. I laughed that he asked if there would be a little room in the back of the theatre with a light coming out of the window. This is what happens when Curious George goes to his first movie!
Here are my boys headed into the theatre.
Brady loved the movie. Following the previews there was a short. As soon as it was finished Brady said, "It's done already?! I want to see Buzz and Woody!" Too cute. We all loved the movie. Brady thought potato head was especially hilarious. Here he is with our family pop and popcorn.

World Cup Wear

Well it's not Team USA but since they are out of the World Cup, the boys sported their Argentina jerseys the other day. My parents visited there this past winter and got these for the boys. I must say, they were pretty cute!
This is the smile I have been getting from Brady lately. Not so cute...Alex sure is adorable though!

First Express Game of the Season

This past weekend we went to our first Express game of the season. We did know they had rescheduled a rain game for a double header, so when we got there it was in the top of the sixth. That game went 14 innings long. Needless to say it was 9pm before game two started! We watched a lot of baseball, but didn't see a whole game. Weird.
It was super hot so we thought a popsicle treat was in order for the boys.

Jam Making

Last week my mom and I did 12 batches of strawberry jam. Our fingers were stained and we were tired, but we also had some help before nap time hit!
Stirring up a batch wtih grandma.
Alex helped with the mashing. :)
The best part of jam making...when it's done.

Big Boy Pants!

This past week marked a milestone for Brady - the end of day time diapers! Here he is on day one showing off his new big boy underwear. Yes we have accidents and no it's not all fun....but he is making great progress!
Loved seeing this little behind!

Watermelon Monster

The boys are LOVING their watermelon this summer. Alex is like a little monster. He eats a ton of it!
Happy when it's here... very sad when it's gone!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fun in Denver

Friday and Saturday we headed to Denver for a couple of days. Of course, we planned our trip so that we could see the Brewers play the Rockies! This was the Friday night game. Brady was enjoying his hot dog.
We LOVE our travel high chair seats. Best of all...they fit on stadium seats!! Here is Alex enjoying his dinner.
I thought this picture was just precious. Brady wanted to sit with his daddy during the game. He was full of questions about the game and Andy was happy to teach him all about everything that was happening.
My Brewer boys
The next day in the car Brady said "Daddy, thank you for taking me to the ball game and teaching me about baseball." I thought Andy was going to melt.
Empty water bottles were Alex's toy of choice during the game.
During the 3rd inning, kids could go down and meet Dinger (the large purple triceratops that is the Rockies mascot). Brady was thrilled he was a dinosaur and thought it was hilarious that Dinger hit him with his tail since he was a Brewer fan. They talked about how he was friends with Bernie Brewer and then got this great picture and an autographed card from Dinger. Pretty special thing for our little boy.
Enjoying the game with my littlest Brewer fan.
Great view in the stadium.
A gentleman sitting behind us and his wife really took a liking to our boys. He placed his hat on Alex saying that he would make a great Rockies fan. :) Then he surprised us and our boys with wooden bats as a souvenir from the game. It was really special.
Brady was pretty proud of himself for "stealing" daddy's seat when we got up.
Cuddles for Aunt Lisa
Staying at a hotel always means fun in the pool. This was Alex's first time in and he loved it! He enjoyed splashing and being pulled around in the water.
We tried for a family picture. One of the boys was always looking the other way. The water was just too distracting, but we had lots of fun!
Day 2 in Denver took us to the Hammond Candy Factory. We had seen it featured on Food Network and I thought it would be a fun place to visit. We toured the factory and of course, shopped in the store.
They do things the old fashioned way. While we were there, they were making huge candy canes!
Brady and Andy in the store.
The boys sporting their candy making hats.

Saturday night we took in another Brewer game. We had awesome seats! 11 rows off the field on the 3rd baseline. It was foul ball territory and we saw plenty of action. No balls for keepers though. Here are Brady and me enjoying the game.
Brady ate everything in sight that night. He actually shared some popcorn with Uncle Matt! Shows you how he ranks!
Here we are, back at it with the water bottle.
Andy and Alex enjoying the game
Our beloved Brewers made it a good game. They closed the gap to 7-8 in the bottom of the ninth with the bases loaded. We tried rally capping everyone to help out with the win, but it just wasn't enough.
A family pic from the game with two very tired boys by the end.

It was a great trip!!

Another day in Rocky Mountain National Park

This past Thursday after we finished taking our professional family pictures, we loaded up the car to head up into Rocky Mountain National Park on last time. On our drive Alex was full of giggles. I looked back at him and saw this little man chillin'!
Andy thought this sign on our way to the park was absolutely hilarious. Which one of these things does not belong?
A little out of order...we had to wait a bit before we got our pictures taken at an amazing ranch near our condo. This is Brady using Uncle Matt as a pillow while drawing him pictures on his mini doodle.
Brady decided he needed to call my parents and tell them about the mountains a couple times during our trip. Brady snatched my phone right out of my hands after I dialed saying "I can do it myself!"
Brady and I worked to complete the Junior Ranger program which Grandma Johnson picked up for him at one of the visitor centers. He had to complete his book and talk with a ranger about what he had learned. It was so cute. He got a badge and the ranger announced for all to hear "This is Brady Johnson, one of our youngest junior rangers!" He was so excited.
Daddy and Alex in the park
We took a picnic along with us in the afternoon. One of the rangers recommended a wonderful spot. We picniced along side the Colorado River and a field of elk. Amazing! Here is Brady dining with Grandma and Grandpa.
The rest of the gang
Brady and Grandma went for a walk when we finished to get a closer look at the elk.
Pretty cool
Then we just had to throw rocks in the Colorado River!
Alex and Aunt Lisa traveling back to the car after our picnic.
As we headed up into the park, we stopped at the Continental Divide. This is Andy and his brother doing their Louis and Clark impression.
We had two tired boys after all that fun!

When we reached close to the top of our drive (near 12, 000 ft.) we stopped at a look out. It was cold and there was snow over a knee deep in areas, but the view was amazing. Brady braved the wind because he wanted to come with us to take a look. I didn't think Alex could handle the gusts so he stayed in the car with grandpa.
This is a marmot and Brady thought he was so cute and funny.
Braving the wind with Aunt Lisa and daddy.
An amazing view of God's creation.
We got good use out of those sweatshirts!
As we headed out of the park we got a look at some more wildlife. My best picture of the elk yet I think.
As I said to Andy, "I wish we would see a moose," they appeared! There were two of them. This was my best photo of one of them.