Saturday, April 21, 2012

Brady woke up this morning and literally jumped out of his bed shouting, "Mom!  I have a game today!"  He has been so excited.  Today was his first official soccer game.

Warm ups began about 20 minutes before game time.

Brady was excited to discover that George from his class at school plays for the Prairie Dogs, his opposing team for today!

The huddle before the game.

The kids lined up and it was game time!
Brady did a great job getting in there and kicking the ball.  He had SO much fun!  There are no goalies yet for his age group and they don't keep track of the score.  It's all about learning to play, having fun, and being a good sport.  Love it!

Taking a break on the bench and cheering on his team.
Brady's fan club!  Anna cheered for him the whole game!

At the end of the game, the teams lined up and high fived one another.  It was pretty cute.
Alex had a tough time during the game.  He was sad that he couldn't play too.  We let him bring his own soccer ball along and that did help.  There were no tears though and he did really well for it being so tough not to get to play himself.  Alex got to have his own game after the game. :)
This was the scene in my living room two nights ago.  The boys began emptying my cupboard of skillets and pans to make their own drum sets.  Brady was experimenting with the different sounds they made and Alex was just trying to keep up with his big brother.  They ever pulled out the lids to use for cymbals.  I think we will have some percussionists in our future!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter Sunday was a beautiful day this year. We began our morning with a hunt for eggs and Easter baskets before heading to church. I just love this picture of Anna finding her basket!
Brady was all about finding the eggs.Alex was excited each time he opened up an egg to see what was inside.Brady was pumped to get a Rescue Bot Transformer- BumbleBee of course!Alex liked his Rescue Bot too, but his new Brewer bat was the big hit!Anna in her beautiful Easter dress.We attended one of the five services at Bethesda on Easter morning. It was a wonderful celebration of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Following church we headed to Andy's parent's house for Easter dinner and time with family. We attempted some family photos and these were the best.In the evening, it was off to Grandma and Grandpa Schwartzhoff's for another egg hunt, dinner, and time with family. We were excited to see Emma all dressed up too. If only Alex had looked up in this one!A cute one, but all looking in different directions. That just what you get when they are all 4 years old and younger.Emma has so much beautiful hair and her daddy doesn't ever put a bow in it. Well, this Auntie snuck one in for a picture. Isn't she a cutie!?!?!Yes, Emma has talent, she can sleep sitting up! It was the funniest thing!
What a precious little one!!Happy Easter!

Dyeing Eggs

Easter weekend we dyed eggs at Grandma and Grandpa Schwartzhoff's. It was an adventure that was full of fun!
Aunt Jen was there to help. We had a little dance party of our own while we waited for the eggs to soak. Super fun!

Anna's First Birthday Party

On April 7 we celebrated Anna's first birthday with a Very Hungry Caterpillar Party. It was so much fun! Anna looked adorable and everything came together just perfectly.
Our Hungry Caterpillar balloons.
Anna's Hungry Caterpillar - one picture from each month of her first year.Butterfly party favors.The cake! I was thrilled with how it all turned out. I experimented with something new this year (sugar sheets) and they worked wonderfully for her cake.
Anna is cruising now with walking. This picture was bright, but too cute not to include!
The food - our menu came from the book. Each food item had it's own little tag with the text about it from the story written on it. We did fruit, sandwiches complete with salami and swiss cheese, pickles, pasta salad, veggies, and chips.My adorable birthday girl! A big thanks to my great friend Andrea for lending us the adorable outfit! It was perfect!Happy Birthday to you!Anna smash cake.Sharing with Great Grandpa WallLovely...frosting around the back of our neck...Isn't this fun!?!I'm a mess......and so tired......please clean me up!Anna took crazy hair to a new level when I tried to get all the chocolate out. It was off to the tub for a good shampoo!Anna really liked tearing the paper on her presents and playing with her cards and envelopes.She got a cute Little People Doll House from Grandma and Grandpa Schwartzhoff.Brady thought 'hiding' in the box was pretty fun.Anna was telling Great Grandma Wall all about her gifts. Those envelopes were pretty sweet!Anna also got a neat ride on toy from Grandma and Grandpa Johnson.It was a great day spent with friends and family. Happy 1st Birthday, Anna!