Brady woke up this morning and literally jumped out of his bed shouting, "Mom! I have a game today!" He has been so excited. Today was his first official soccer game.
Warm ups began about 20 minutes before game time.
Brady was excited to discover that George from his class at school plays for the Prairie Dogs, his opposing team for today!
The huddle before the game.
The kids lined up and it was game time!
Brady did a great job getting in there and kicking the ball. He had SO much fun! There are no goalies yet for his age group and they don't keep track of the score. It's all about learning to play, having fun, and being a good sport. Love it!
Taking a break on the bench and cheering on his team.
Brady's fan club! Anna cheered for him the whole game!
At the end of the game, the teams lined up and high fived one another. It was pretty cute.
Alex had a tough time during the game. He was sad that he couldn't play too. We let him bring his own soccer ball along and that did help. There were no tears though and he did really well for it being so tough not to get to play himself. Alex got to have his own game after the game. :)