Monday, October 29, 2007

Hey, Handsome!

We had a family wedding to attend this weekend here in Eau Claire, so Brady got to get a little spiffed up! He was really good during the ceremony, which was outside...brrrr..., but was not so fond of the loud music during the reception. He was really tired and all the commotion made it hard for him to sleep. Needless to say, we headed out a bit early in the evening to get home for bedtime. Of course, when we arrived home he was all grins and wanted to play.

Since Brady was all smiles after we got home, he played with Mommy some before bedtime. He is giggling now which is so much fun. It is the sweetest, most adorable sound I think I have ever heard.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

There's my favorite big boy! You were so good at the wedding, and really snuggly this weekend (which you know I love!) I'm glad we got to spend lots of time together. I love you lots Brady-bug!!!!