Monday, April 14, 2008

Brady's Nine Month Pictures and Stats

Can you believe that Brady is nine months old already? He hit 20lbs. this month and is 30 inches long! We got his pictures taken again last week. Here are a few for your viewing pleasure. Brady's balance is unbelievable to me. He is standing all the time and crawls so fast. Nothing is safe in our house anymore!
The first one is one of my favorites. Don't you love his duck, Quackly?
With his Easter bunny...
Standing like a big boy!
Our jungle man
Story time...

Brady LOVES books and turns the pages by himself. I wanted to capture that for his pictures.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I like the picture of Brady standing while you guys hold his hands. That's really cute! And I love the children's place sweater. :)