Monday, August 23, 2010

Our Big Day at Miller Park

"There's Bernie's slide!" While in Milwaukee we of course caught a Brewer game.

Brady was thrilled to be at the ball park. Here he is batting with Braun.
The sausage race is always the highlight of the game for the boys. Today was Italian's big bobble head day, so naturally he won.
Here are the boys at the game. Alex is looking a little under the weather. He was running a fever and teething so badly that it made for a tough game for him, mommy, and daddy. Thank goodness we had grandma, grandpa, Aunt Lisa, and soon-to-be Uncle Patrick along with us!
What made it all worth while was after the game. Yep, Brady got to run the bases. He was so patient. After waiting close to 30 minutes in line he hit the field and ran harder than I have ever seen him run in his life. Brady is the little one in the white jersey and blue short between 2nd and 3rd base.
Coming upon home plate. He was SO EXCITED!
Here is our big boy with a proud and excited daddy. Andy was thrilled just to get to be on the field!!
Our family photo from the game. Not great. Alex finally gave it up and fell asleep.
Here is my big boy. He just loves baseball!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your sons are just so adorable!