Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snowed in!

We woke up this morning in a real life snow globe. Yep, it's blizzard time here in Wisconsin. Alex was fascinated to look outside. He kept toughing the glass shouting "SNOW! COLD!" all morning long.
Brady could not wait to get out and play. He was also very certain that he wanted to help daddy shovel. Here he is all bundled up and ready to head out.
Shoveling with daddy. (One of many times Andy has been out clearing away all the snow.)
Alex and I watched from inside. He talked to daddy and Brady the whole time they were out on the deck. Giggles exploded from Alex every time Brady plopped down in the snow or threw snow at daddy.
Five minutes in...Brady decides playing is way more fun than shoveling. Making his first snow angel of the season.
My hard workers.
After helping shovel off the deck, Andy took Brady around the side of the house for a little sledding time.
It's a winter wonderland!
I LOVE this picture!
Andy buried Brady in the snow just before they came in. Brady thought it was hilarious.
Mommy was waiting with hot cocoa when her rosy cheeked boy came inside.
Following hot chocolate, Brady was my little baker today and we began Christmas cookies too. As of this evening we have had 14 inches here in Eau Claire just today and they are predicting a total of 18+ by the time it's done. Now that is a lot of snow! At least we are cozy and warm inside here at home.

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