Sunday, January 9, 2011

Naptime on Christmas Day

You can tell that Brady is getting older when the big boys want to play with his toys too. Yep, this was during Brady's naptime. Four adult men playing with his crash track. Boys will be boys I guess.
Naptime brought another adventure on Christmas Day. Brady and his second cousin (also 3) were both napping in Andy's parents bedroom. We had fixed up beds for each of them on the floor, tucked them in, and all was quiet. About 20 minutes later, we heard a shreak from bedroom. Andy's cousin Kara and I both went running to find out what the problem was. I must say...I could not believe my eyes. These two little lambs were in the bathroom with a waterfall flowing over the counter top ledge flooding the bathroom floor from a plugged sink, the tub running, and wet blankets being frantically drug back to their beds. It was a mess and both children were soaked. So much for napping...I am sure this is one Christmas story that we will not soon forget.

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