Wednesday, June 22, 2011

VBS Week

We kicked off our first week of summer with VBS at our church. Brady got to go for the first time this year and he LOVED it! Our theme was Big Apple Adventure - all about NYC. Here is Brady with his buddy Josh on the very first day!

Ellen was in charge of the kitchen and snacks for about 300 kids and volunteers each day. Here we are kickin' it at Midtown Snacks.
Hear it! Believe it! Connect it! The motto for the week. Brady shouted it non-stop all week long.

Tough to see, but Alex and Anna participated in VBS too. Alex is sitting in the front row on the floor. They were both in the nursery while I was working in the kitchen. The fantastic part is that Alex and all the toddlers got to join the big kids for songs, snack, and outside time all week too.

Anna was a trooper. She was the youngest one there and did great. :)

Alex would get excited when he saw the VBS logo - "City!" he would shout. My favorite - Alex was running around saying "My Jesus!" all week long. Melts my heart.

This is Sid, our VBS puppy.

Brady with the best VBS teachers ever. Thank you Allie, Karina, and Olivia for a great week!

Friday night all the kids put on a program with the songs and Bible stories they had learned throughout the week. It was a fun way to celebrate!

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