Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brady Starts Kindergarten!!!!!

September came and my baby started kindergarten!  I can hardly believe it.  Brady's first day of school was a visiting day with daddy.  They got to go see his classroom, meet his teacher, tour the school, and get all settled in for the year.  Here he is on his first day!
 Alex wanted in on the picture taking too.
 Day 1 at Meadowview Elementary
 Brady with his teacher, Mrs. Tollefson.  He really enjoyed playing with this barn while he explored his classroom on the first day.
 Brady and daddy exploring the library together.
 Brady got to make a school bus snack.
 Following their school visit they had a lunch date.  Noodles was Brady's pick.  He was one VERY excited little boy!
 Brady and mommy on our first full day of school.
 Grandma helped to send Brady off for his first full day of kindergarten.
 Can't believe he is getting so big!

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