Thursday, July 8, 2010

Brady's Third Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Brady-bug! It is hard to believe that he is 3 already!
When I saw this shirt I had to get it for him. Red, white and blue for my July 4th baby with a baseball even. It was made for him!
We got a rainy day, so it was party in the garage.
Dinosaur Train was our theme. It is Brady's favorite show. Here was my cake creation. I was pretty pleased with the results and Brady loved it.
I got the idea from a friend to put signs up by the food. Here they are: Herbivores
and Carnivores.
Brady was stickin' to Aunt Jen like glue during lunch. I think he's missed her!
I just love this pictures of my birthday boy.
Blowing out his candle.
We got dinosaur masks for the kids. Here is Brady roaring for me in his.
We laughed that Alex totally did not mind having his on him. What a cutie!
Here is our dino crew. Gotta love 'em!
Brady opening his presents. A bat and ball...what could be better for this baseball boy.
Our first board game! We love Candy Land and have played several times already. Brady is beginning to get the hang of it.
Some new pieces for our train set.
For Brady's last gift (from us) we had him sit on this chair and close his eyes while daddy retrieved it from it's hiding place.
Yep - REAL toddler drum set. Brady loves it!
Putting on quite the concert for our guests and trying them out for the first time.
Alex and Elijah got in on the drumming action when Brady took a little break. They were adorable together.
Here is our happy drummer. He has said to me over and over again, "I have drums just like Jim's!"
A rainy day did not deny this one from playing baseball, we just played in the garage. Here he is in action with his new bat and ball.
I just love that grin!
Being silly with Aunt Jen.
My traditional birthday picture with the birthday boy.
Andy's sister Lisa became engaged this weekend to her boyfriend Patrick. Here is soon-to-be Uncle Patrick playing with Alex.
Being all boy...
Just a cute one I had to include.
Our family 4th of July picture. Alex was getting a little sleepy. Should have taken it earlier I guess...
Here is Brady and me enjoying the fireworks. Grandma Johnson got him these awesome glow sticks. Unfortunately they don't glow for the pictures.
Taking in some fireworks with Grandpa Johnson.
We put on our own show this year at the end of our cul-de-sac. It was super fun and the fireworks were great thanks to the Cedarblades and Aerial Adrenaline!
Here are the boys who got to stay up late for all the fireworks fun. We sure had a great time celebrating with Tim and Luke! It was a great birthday!

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