Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Anna's Birth

Our little Anna was due on March 16. On Monday, March 21 we were headed into the clinic for an ultrasound to see how she was doing and make a decision about what to do next. My ultrasound showed that my suspicion was correct, I had been leaking amniotic fluid. My midwife and a consulting doctor decided, it was time to have a baby!

We headed home, grabbed our bags and checked into the hospital around noon. After running a few tests and getting settled, I received my first dose of induction meds at 1:30pm and a second dose at 5:30pm. Both were intended to help soften my cervix and help me begin to dilate. At 10pm we began Pitocin. By midnight my contractions were really beginning to be painful. I moved around a lot - spent time in the tub, on an exercise ball, on my hands and knees, and even trying to "rest" in bed. Being that it was the middle of the night I was exhausted. At 4:47am Anna was born after only 3 pushes. Amazing to me compared to my boys births!

I was amazed at her size. Anna is over a pound smaller than Brady was and two pounds smaller than Alex! Crazy. I fully expected that she would be more like Brady's size. She cried fairly quickly and was given to me right away. A precious time to have your baby right in your arms. She was very alert and eager to look around at the world. This photo was taken just a few mintues after she was born.
Here is our sweet baby girl within her first hour of birth. She was very curious about all that was around her. She was fairly quite as she just looked around and took it all in.
Daddy getting to hold Anna for the first time.
Our exhausted, but happy family.
Anna, post bath. The sleepiness was just starting to settle in. She is perfect!

1 comment:

becky.h said...

Congrats Johnsons! She's beautiful--so excited to hear she's finally here! :)