Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Anna at 11 months

At 11 months old, Anna was finally big enough for us to move her into a new car seat and out of her infant carrier. This cute coat wouldn't fit in her carrier, but she was able to wear it some this month before we got our 70+ degree weather.
Out shopping with Alex while Brady was at Kids of the Kingdom at church. Ah...the peace of shopping with only two.Anna hates her bottle most of the time. Don't know what it is, but none of us can wait to get rid of it. When she does sit still long enough to drink, her little feet are always crossed. I love it!Playing in the tupperware cupboard always makes my kiddos happy. Anna is enjoying exploring just as her brothers did.Brady loves to hold Anna. She is always on the move lately and rarely sits still long enough to be held. Here was a rare moment.In an effort to get rid of that bottle, we have been working hard on our sippy cup skills for months. Still not doing great, but getting better. Doesn't she look like such a big girl?

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