Friday, August 3, 2012

Bloomer Fair

We headed north tonight to the Bloomer Fair.  Andy's coworker suggested that we go and check it out and I'm so glad we did!  A smaller fair for sure, but still lots of great fun and best of all not as expensive.
Alex and Grandma enjoyed a chocolate brownie treat together.
 Brady was having fun with grandpa.  I had to laugh that Brady made this look like a Mr. Dew commerial.  He was pretty excited about his soda...he even mentioned it in his bedtime prayers as something he was thankful for today.  :)
 My little trooper.  I am so thankful that Anna is a great stroller rider.  She did great tonight.
 The boys hit up some rides tonight.  The favorite of the night was the kid scrambler.

 Riding the spinning dragons with daddy.
 Diane and I enjoyed our annual funnel cake.  These were crazy huge.  It took everyone working on them and we still didn't finish them.
 My hubby and me.  Not bad for a picture I took myself.  :)
 Our family shot.  A great night at the fair.  According to Brady it was a "fun, fun, fun night!": Freezie, soda, and he won a sword and a water gun.  What more could a boy ask for?

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