Friday, April 10, 2009

Fun with Gram and Grandpa

Tonight we had an early Easter with my mom and dad. Brady got his Easter basket from them and it was filled with goodies. He especially like his eggs filled with Goldfish crackers and money. Putting his coins in his car bank was one of the highlights of the night.
Brady certainly takes after his Grandpa. He was thrilled tonight to get a special of Grandma's chocolate chip brownies. He ate a WHOLE one himself and still asked for more. Who can blame him? They are delicious!
After dinner, we headed to our neighborhood school to play for a bit. Brady loved swinging with Daddy and Grandpa. As long as one of them was swinging with him, he was happy. He got the giggles when Daddy would drag his feet on the ground. Andy wondered if Brady would always be this easy to amuse. Yeah, right.
Love the grins.
The super big tube slide was the hit of the night. Brady LOVED it and asked to go down again and again.
Riding the airplane.
Thanks for a fun night Grandma and Grandpa!

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