Friday, April 3, 2009

A Rough Three Days...

I am so thankful that I have a husband that is able to come home over his lunch hour! It has been a rough few days in our house. Brady has had the flu since Wednesday. It all started at Grandma Johnson's (bless her for taking care of him that day!), has continued and isn't letting up. I thought we were in the clear the other night, but the throwing up has continued whenever Brady has eaten anything. Today I had a real mess all over Brady, me, and our bed. Thank the Lord Andy was able to come home for a little while so that I could get myself and everything cleaned up. Brady finally fell asleep while I was in the shower. Here is my precious boy...we pray that he feels better soon!

1 comment:

nummynummysoup01 said...

Nora had the same thing last week and Sam was out of town. It was bad..I stayed home two days and Grandma watched her the rest of the week..every time I thought she was better, she'd throw up again! It was a long 5 days. I hope Brady feels better soon!