Our littlest monkey had his 2nd birthday on Saturday. We had a Curious George themed party. Here is Alex's birthday cake.
This is a cool new Cars Slip 'n' Slide!
A new water table!
This picture is fuzzy, but I still love it. It captures my little studier.
Biking riding on his birthday
Monkey masks for the kids. Aren't they fun?!
As long as we are outside with a bat and ball, Alex is in heaven.
Playing hoops with Uncle Jerry
Trying otu some of our new presents.
Alex got this cool Shake and Go Cars track from mommy and daddy. It has been a big hit with both of the boys!
Long after the party was done, Jen and Jerry played "Timbers" with the boys. This is a new game that they made up last weekend. The boys get shoulder rides and they run around the house, sometimes nearly bumping in to one another, and then into our bedroom where the boys "timber" onto our bed. They think it's great fun. The laughter was precious!