Sunday, May 22, 2011

Anna's Baptism

Last Sunday, May 15 Anna was baptised at our church. It was a nice service and we were surrounded by friends and family.

Brady was very curious about what was happening. He wanted to be right in on the action. Anna was asleep when we went up for her baptism. When I laid her down and the first water touched her head her eyes popped wide open. No tears or even a whimper, she did great.

Prayers for Anna.

Anna's Godparents - Charles and Ellen

We attempted a family picture. Anna was hungry, thus the bottle and well, the boys just didn't want to sit still. This was the best we could do at church.

Anna was baptised by our pastor, Paul.

You will notice in the family pictures to follow that the boys are not a part of them. They were so wound up. We decided it was just easier to let them play.

The Schwartzhoff family

The Johnson family

Wide awake and looking beautiful on her special day!

After brunch at Fanny Hill, we all headed back to our house for cake.

Another try at a family picture. Sigh...

Great Grandma Johnson got to meet Anna for the first time on her baptism day.

Our kids are so blessed to have four of their great grandparents living. Here they all are with Anna. It was so special to have them all there for Anna's big day.

4 generations of the Wall family

4 generations of the Johnson family

4 generations of the Silliman family

Great Grandma Ellen holding Anna on the blanket she made for her.

Here is a look at the blanket in a little better detail. It's beautiful!

God bless you, Anna!

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