Thursday, May 5, 2011

What to do with a HUGE empty box...

So what does one do with a huge empty box? Make a fort of course! After purchasing a new desk for our living room, the boys were thrilled to get a big fort for their bedroom.

Daddy cut a door and it was go time!
Can you tell Alex is excited?

About a week later I was having one of those days where I was about ready to rip my hair out with the kiddos. I suggested we decorate the fort. Was that ever a hit! We have been decorating all week. First it was the crayons, then the stickers...who knows what might be next.

A tree and clouds on the inside. We also cut a couple of windows near the back.I love Brady and Alex!

My favorite addition was our hand prints which we wrote our names under. The fort also adorns baseballs, bats, gloves, footballs, flowers, and fish drawings as well as a wide assortment of stickers. I must say, this big box has provided hours of entertainment so far!

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