Friday, September 2, 2011

Anna at 5 months

It's hard to believe that Anna is 5 months old already. She is rolling over both ways, pushing herself up on her tummy, trying to sit up in her papasan chair, and jabbering constantly. She is full of smiles and loves to have people talk to her. The 5 month mark brought back the presence of the Jumperoo in our house. She loves playing with the toys and is just starting to bounce in it a bit.
In August we had a visit from a distant Schwartzhoff relative from Germany. Henrich joined our family for dinner one evening and we shared many old photos together and stories. We think he is the oldest of the Schwartzhoff family along with our youngest. Very neat.
One of Anna's new tricks is putting nearly her whole fist in her mouth.Can't believe she is getting so big! She loves her tubs!My sleepy little girl feel asleep in her bumbo the other night. Oh sweetie...

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