Friday, September 23, 2011

Twins Game

This past Sunday we braved the rain and headed to Minneapolis for a Twins game. The Statesmen and alums sang the anthem for the game. Through all the rain and cold the kids were great troopers. I didn't get too many photos, but here are a few.
Anna, bless her, slept through the drizzle for an hour before she woke up and wanted to eat. She and I headed inside for bottle time. Brady was just happy to be watching baseball!
Alex was a little serious through all the rain, but had a lot of fun and did great in the drizzle.A little misty from all the rain, here are the boys on the field to sing. They sounded great!!Even as we left after the 6th inning, the boys were still smiling. Now that's a true baseball fan! Don't you love that we were at a Twins game, though the boys wore their Brewer hats!?!

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