Friday, September 2, 2011

The boys lately

I can't believe that Brady is starting 4 year old kindergarten this next week. Early this week we toured his school and Thursday he got to go for orientation day. They brought in their school supplies, read a story, had a snack, and some play time. Brady was so excited when he left. He is really looking forward to his first day of school on next Tuesday!
We have tried only a few times. No success yet for Alex, but he is beginning to show some interest in taking the next step of being a big boy!
Yet, he clearly missed this baby toy. Since the Jumperoo came out I cannot keep Alex out of it! He can get in by himself, but he can't get out!I love that our boys love playing together. Most of the time it's cars or chasing. On this particularly warm summer day we decided to get out Brady's ping pong set. It was good fun for a while...just need to get better at hitting the ball. :)Thanks to Andy's dad we got to join Bob and Diane for a night at Target Field. Thanks to my parents it was a night for just the boys as they enjoyed a night with Anna. The boys loved the game and seeing the new field!

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