Sunday, February 12, 2012

Anna's 9mo. Pictures

A month and a half has gone by and I haven't blogged a thing. We have had the flu, multiple ear infections, and two rounds of colds in the last month. It's been full of antiobotics, blowing noses, and trying to keep up with our regular crazy routine!
At the end of December Anna turned 9 months old. That meant picture time! We took in the boys too as they are on their half year. It's hard to believe that Alex is 2 1/2 and Brady is 4 1/2. I was thrilled with this picture of them all together.
My sweet baby girl!So big!Anna loves to read and has started turning pages in her books.Alex at 2 1/2Brady at 4 1/2

1 comment:

Lou Recine said...

I love Brady & Alex's matching sweaters! And the Anna pics are great!